Demosthenes Place of birth : Europe ▶ Greece ▶ Attica District ▶ Nomarchía Anatolikís Attikís Paianía City / village / populated place Παιανία | Λιόπεσι Αττικής | Λιόπεσι Κρωπίας Place of death : Europe ▶ Greece ▶ Attica District ▶ Nomós Piraiós ▶ Poros Island Poros City / village / populated place Πόρος
Place of birth : Europe ▶ Greece ▶ Attica District ▶ Nomarchía Anatolikís Attikís Paianía City / village / populated place Παιανία | Λιόπεσι Αττικής | Λιόπεσι Κρωπίας
Place of death : Europe ▶ Greece ▶ Attica District ▶ Nomós Piraiós ▶ Poros Island Poros City / village / populated place Πόρος